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Welcome to AED Planet – Your Premier Destination for Life-Saving Equipment and Education! At AED Planet, we are passionate about promoting safety and well-being through the provision of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and comprehensive CPR training. Our mission is to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to become better equipped to handle cardiac emergencies and save lives.

Who we are and what we belive

See what makes us different

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where everyone feels confident and capable of responding effectively to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) situations. We believe that access to AEDs and the knowledge of proper CPR techniques can make the difference between life and death, turning ordinary bystanders into true lifesavers.

History of Beginning​

AED Planet was founded by a dedicated team of medical professionals, educators, and technology enthusiasts who share a common goal: to make life-saving tools and information accessible to everyone. With years of experience in emergency medicine, training, and technology, our team is committed to providing top-quality AEDs and educational resources.

What we Offer

Premium AED Selection: We offer a carefully curated range of industry-leading AED models from trusted brands. Our selection caters to various settings, including homes, schools, workplaces, and public spaces, ensuring that you can find the right AED for your specific needs. Comprehensive Training: AED Planet isn't just about selling equipment – it's about empowerment through education. We provide comprehensive CPR and AED training programs designed for individuals and organizations. Our certified instructors deliver hands-on training, equipping you with the skills and confidence to respond effectively during cardiac emergencies. Consultation and Support: Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process of selecting the right AED and setting up a successful AED program. Whether you're a business, school, community center, or individual, we offer expert consultation to ensure your readiness to respond to emergencies.

We are the best!

Help us, help you!

  • Why Choose AED Planet?
  • Quality Assurance: We source AEDs from reputable manufacturers, ensuring that you receive reliable and FDA-approved devices.
  • Expertise: Our team consists of medical professionals and educators who understand the nuances of AEDs and emergency response.
  • Personalized Service: We’re dedicated to understanding your unique needs and tailoring our solutions to fit them perfectly.
  • Community Impact: Every AED purchased contributes to a safer community by increasing the chances of survival in the event of cardiac arrest.

Join Us in Creating a Heart-Safe World

Together, we can make a significant impact on the survival rates of sudden cardiac arrest. Whether you’re an individual seeking to protect your loved ones, a business aiming to create a safer workplace, or a community organization focused on public safety, AED Planet is here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing AED Planet as your partner in promoting safety, preparedness, and the preservation of life. Your journey towards becoming a lifesaver starts here.

For inquiries, assistance, and orders, contact us at contact@aedplanet.com or call [1-800-477-6193].

Complete Customer Ideas

best features

24 x 7 Free Support
Online Support 24/7
Secured Payment Systems
100% Secure Payment
Worldwide Shipping
Anywhere you need!

We are here for you every step of the way!

Meet our Team

Only the best!

Chris Siska

Chris is the owner of AEDPlanet.com, CPR and More, AlwaysCPR and American EMT Academy. Chris was a firefighter with Riverside County Fire and has been an EMT since 2006.

Chuck Baldwin

Operations Manager Chuck is responsible for the day to day operations of AEDplanet.com and CPR and More. He worked for Home Depot for 20 years and now brings his expertise to the AED market!

Grant P.

Social Media and Marketing Grant is a self made social Media specialist. He brings a fresh balance of fun and informational to all of our marketing.

Kim Olivares

Sales Manager Kim worked inside sales for Panera until the pandemic hit. She then landed with AEDplanet has been pivitol in driving new buisness and helping others be safer.

Vincent Bennett

Scheduling specialist If you need a CPR class along with your AED Vincent is the person for the job. He will quickly find the best instructor for your organizatoin and have you class scheduled in no time.

Casandra Tripp

Warehouse Manager Cassandra is responsible for our inventory and making sure it gets out to the client as quickly as possilbe. She is ready to ship your order at a moments notice.